Are you a Re-Entry Robbie?
“I have been away from the work I want to do and need a fresh start, do-over or a restart. I am not sure if I really want to go right back to what it says on my resume and need some extra support.”

You’ve been successful in your career but now you need a re-launch to get in touch with what would develop a career that would support the life you truly want. You see, I don’t believe that anyone else can define your success but you. Your definition is like your fingerprint; it’s that unique. You imagine a business that has a life beyond you, increasing its positive impact on the world, while putting you or your business in the spotlight even more. In fact, that is what we are looking for, that unique contribution only you can make.
What is in your way?
Even though you have been out there in a career before, you want to renew your career in a new way to fit what is most important to you right now in your life. Maybe you have been detoured due to a layoff or sidelined by a career distraction, like taking care of a family member or working a “good enough” job, but now it is your turn to reclaim what you really want. We can find your strength, your brilliance and market it effectively. Change can be a scary thing, but you will be 100% supported through coaching.
What You Need Most Right Now
Wow, there are lots of terms thrown about around professional skills and transferable skills during job search…What is it all about? What do employers expect? How can you speak the language that they can understand and value? You can deliberately express the value you offer in ways that get the employer’s attention. You need a resume, but it is more important to develop a marketing plan that keeps you focused, in the driver’s seat and headed in the right direction for a brighter professional future.
Private coaching for Re-Entry Robbie
This 3-month long coaching program includes: near-weekly private coaching calls, access to assessment, support in identifying strengths, constructing impact and value-added statements, with direct access to DeAnne for individual coaching, to implement career change strategies that are proven to work.

Are you ready to get the career and life you deserve?
Begin by scheduling a complimentary 30-minute Strategy Session to get a snapshot of your needs and learn how coaching may help.